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Case Study

1. Introduction

1.1 What is Maestro?

The rise of serverless architectures and FaaS offerings such as AWS Lambda has revolutionized how companies are developing modern apps. The need for an orchestration layer over these architectures has brought about services such as AWS Step Functions. However, deploying apps that use Step Functions can be tedious and error-prone. Maestro prioritizes speed and developer productivity by automating this process so that the developer’s focus stays on developing their application’s business logic.

Maestro is an open-source, easy-to-use framework for deploying serverless workflows using Node.js® and AWS Step Functions. Using Maestro aids development not only in the initial phase of a project but throughout the ongoing maintenance as well.

2. Serverless

The popularity of developing applications with a serverless approach is relatively new. The term “serverless“ seems to imply that servers are not involved in an application’s architecture, but that’s not accurate. The reason for the term “serverless“ is not because there’s an absence of servers, but because the control of the servers has been abstracted away and made the responsibility of the cloud provider. So from the perspective of the developer, there’s less need to worry about maintaining and scaling servers, effectively making their architecture serverless.

Besides being a bit of a misnomer, the term “serverless“ is also a bit overloaded. It encompasses a few different ideas. One of these is what is known as Function as a Service (FaaS), or serverless functions.

2.1 FaaS

Serverless functions are meant to be small pieces of application code that are provisioned in response to some event. Once the event fires, a container is spun up in which the function will execute. After execution, the container will remain idle for a short amount of time in case there are further invocations of the function. If not, the container is torn down. This facilitates scaling up and down according to demand and only paying for the resources that are used. FaaS is so prevalent in serverless architectures that it is often equated with the term “serverless“ itself.

58% of developers in one poll respond that serverless to them is FaaS
A recent poll asking developers how they view the term “serverless“ [1]

2.2 AWS Lambda

We’ll be limiting our discussion to a specific cloud provider, Amazon Web Services (AWS), as it is by far the most popular provider at this time.

Amazon’s FaaS offering is known as AWS Lambda. Lambdas are deployed on containers that support runtimes in seven languages [2]. Lambdas can be invoked by many AWS services including other Lambdas. They have a limited execution of 15 minutes, and any state associated with the execution is then lost.

AWS Lambda Logo
AWS Lambda

2.3 Serverless Patterns

As serverless development is still relatively new, best practices have yet to be firmly established. However, there are helpful patterns that have emerged as developers continue to work with serverless.

For example, when a Lambda is initially invoked, its container will have to be spun up, usually taking a few hundred milliseconds. This is often referred to as a “cold start”. To address this issue, there is a pattern called the ‘Function Warmer’, which keeps the Lambda’s container available for further invocations. Patterns for working with serverless can be grouped into five categories [3].

We’ll be focusing our attention on this last group of patterns: Orchestration.

3. Orchestration

Serverless orchestration is the act of managing the workflow between multiple serverless resources. To visualize what this might look like, let’s consider a hypothetical situation. Let’s say that we’ve been assigned a project to create an internal application for our company. The app will allow an employee to send a request to their manager, asking that a certain resource be provisioned. If the manager approves, the resource is provisioned and the employee is granted access. Otherwise, the employee is notified that their request has been denied.

Initial components in workflow derived from task
Example of a serverless workflow with multiple Lambdas

Let’s say that the workflow can be implemented by representing each component as a Lambda. The work of each Lambda must then be orchestrated to ensure that the workflow executes in a meaningful way. How will we make sure this workflow proceeds as desired?

Let’s assume the ‘Manager’ Lambda will receive an input that contains information about the resource being requested. What happens if that input is somehow malformed? An error could occur leading to the ‘Manager’ failing. Some form of error handling could prevent this, but should the ‘Manager’ validate its own input?

Invalid input
We need to consider how to handle an invalid input

3.1 Orchestration Patterns

We could introduce a component that has the single responsibility of validating input. This would provide a clear separation of concerns and would prevent the ‘Manager’ from failing. A common orchestration pattern that could be helpful here is known as the ‘Proxy’ [3]. The ‘Proxy’ is a Lambda that sits between two other Lambdas and invokes the second one when appropriate. In this case, we could insert a ‘Proxy’ Lambda called ‘Validator’ to help handle invalid inputs.

Inserting a proxy lambda in front of the Manager component
Using the ‘Proxy’ pattern for validating input

Next, we need to determine how to properly branch based on the ‘Manager’ Lambda’s output.

Branching step after the Manager makes a decision
How will we implement branching logic?

There’s another pattern we could use called the ‘Router’, which simply distributes the execution based on payload [3]. Since the ‘Manager’ Lambda can invoke other Lambdas, we can implement the ‘Router’ pattern by placing the branching logic there. Because we’ve now written orchestration logic alongside business logic, we’ll affectionately refer to the ‘Manager’ as the ‘Fat Manager’.

Workflow with the Fat Manager Lambda
The ‘Manager’ Lambda now contains orchestration logic

Now that we’ve taken care of branching, an attempt to provision the desired resource can be made. However, the provisioning of a resource may be risky. What if the attempt fails for some reason?

Failure depicted on the Provisioner component
The provisioning step fails…

We’d like to prevent the employee from having to repeat their request such that the workflow has to start over. To address this, we could once again apply the ‘Router’ pattern. This time, we’ll add logic to the ‘Manager’ so that it monitors the output of the ‘Provisioner’. If the ‘Manager’ detects that the provisioning has failed, we can have it invoke the ‘Provisioner’ again. But how many retries do we want to allow? How quickly do we want to retry? This is further orchestration logic that we’ll have to write into the ‘Manager’, making it even fatter.

Addition of retry to the Fat Manager Lambda
The ‘Manager’ Lambda with even more orchestration responsibility

Do any limitations exist with this implementation? The probability of the Lambda surpassing its execution limit is now increased if the ‘Manager’ monitors the ‘Provisioner’ and there are multiple retries. Delayed provisioning may cause the ‘Manager’ to terminate before determining if a retry was necessary. Further, with the orchestration logic of the ‘Manager’ written alongside the business logic, the component is overloaded resulting in poor separation of concerns.

Overloaded Workflow
Workflow overloaded with orchestration logic

The consequences of not separating concerns would be felt every time it’s necessary to iterate on the workflow. Business logic as well as orchestration logic may need to be evaluated and adapted for the application to grow.

Perhaps refactoring is in order. Maybe it would be wise to extract the orchestration logic to a separate component other than the ‘Manager’. If that intuition seems natural, can more be done?

Why not extract out an entire orchestration layer? The result would be a thin workflow of strictly business logic resembling the original workflow. The orchestration logic would be entirely on its own.

Diagram of only the orchestration layer in a workflow
An orchestration layer abstracted from the workflow

By implementing the application in this way, we’re able to orchestrate error handling, retry, and branching all in one place. When the business logic needs to be modified, the orchestration logic can likely stay the same. This can be quite valuable for a new application or one that simply hasn’t reached a stable state.

So how would we go about extracting an orchestration layer? Creating and maintaining custom logic would require considerable overhead. Let’s look at another pattern called the ‘State Machine’ [3] to see whether it might be suitable for our needs.

3.2 The State Machine Pattern

"State machines are really just a mathematical way of modeling an application.…[With state machines,] you can describe your application as a mixture of your inputs, the states that your application can be in, and the transitions between those states."

Rowan Udell, Serverless Chats Podcast – Episode #16 [4]

It’s important to note that a state machine is not a physical device but an abstract concept. A state machine is all about inputs, outputs, transitions, and state, making it an ideal candidate for an orchestration layer. But how would we go about implementing a state machine? It just so happens that AWS offers a “State Machine as a Service” called AWS Step Functions.

4. AWS Step Functions

“AWS Step Functions is a web service that enables you to coordinate the components of distributed applications and microservices using visual workflows. You build applications from individual components that each perform a discrete function, or task, allowing you to scale and change applications quickly.”

AWS Documentation, What is AWS Step Functions? [5]
AWS Step Functions Logo
AWS Step Functions

Step Functions are designed to contain an application’s orchestration logic. This helps us to maintain the separation of concerns that we mentioned earlier. To create a state machine with Step Functions, we’ll need to use the JSON-based language called Amazon States Language (ASL).

4.1 Amazon States Language

Let’s first look at a “Hello World” state machine definition to familiarize ourselves with ASL.

  "StartAt": "Hello World",
  "States": {
    "Hello": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:function:hello",
      "Next": "World"
    "World": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:function:world",
      "End": true
Example of the ASL of a workflow for a Hello World Application
A state machine definition with a visual that is displayed in the AWS Management Console

There are two top-level fields required for all state machines: StartAt and States. The StartAt field simply designates which state will begin execution, whereas the States field is a list of all possible states. Once a valid definition is entered in the AWS Management Console, a visual that represents the state machine will be displayed.

A state‘s type dictates the additional attributes that the state can have. There are eight different state types given to us by ASL.

The Task type allows a state to reference a Lambda function. This is done by setting the state‘s Resource field to the Lambda‘s Amazon Resource Name (ARN). We see that the “Hello World” example has two Task states: Hello and World, each of which points to a different Lambda. When Hello returns, its output is passed as input to the next (and last) step in the execution, World.

The other state types do not map to Lambda functions but help with workflow orchestration. For example, the Choice state enables branching logic and the Wait state will pause execution for some specified amount of time.

Let’s return to our earlier example of an employee requesting approval for a resource to be provisioned. We’ll now implement this workflow with Step Functions.

  "StartAt": "Requester",
  "States": {
    "Requester": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:function:WORKFLOW_NAME_requester",
      "Next": "Manager"
    "Manager": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:function:WORKFLOW_NAME_manager",
      "Next": "ManagerChoice"
    "ManagerChoice": {
      "Type": "Choice",
      "Choices": [
          "Variable": "$.decision",
          "StringEquals": "accept",
          "Next": "Provisioner"
          "Variable": "$.decision",
          "StringEquals": "deny",
          "Next": "Notifier"
    "Provisioner": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:function:WORKFLOW_NAME_provisioner",
      "Next": "AccessGranter",
      "Retry": [
          "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"],
          "IntervalSeconds": 2,
          "BackoffRate": 1.5,
          "MaxAttempts": 5
      "Catch": [
          "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"],
          "ResultPath": "$.errorInfo",
          "Next": "Notifier"
    "AccessGranter": {
      "Type": "Pass",
      "Next": "Notifier"
    "Notifier": {
      "Type": "Pass",
      "End": true

Visualization of example workflow in AWS Management Console
Earlier example now implemented with AWS Step Functions

One of the states, Provisioner, is mapped to the Lambda that handles resource provisioning. Looking more closely at this state, we see how one might implement retry logic. Task states have an optional field called Retry that will specify which types of errors to retry, how many seconds to wait in between, as well as a backoff rate and a maximum number of attempts. It’s useful to be able to put this orchestration concern here, instead of writing some custom retry logic alongside business logic.

"Provisioner": {
  "Type": "Task",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNT_ID:function:provisioner",
  "Next": "AccessGranter",
  "Retry": [
      "ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"],
      "IntervalSeconds": 2,
      "BackoffRate": 1.5,
      "MaxAttempts": 5

Provisioner state showing retry logic in ASL

4.2 Execution Event History

Once a state machine has executed, using the AWS Management Console, we’re able to access an interactive execution event history. This allows us to audit the transitions between states in one, unified place.

Execution event history
Execution Event History in the AWS Management Console

Additionally, the visual workflow will be color-coded to help us quickly remember the outcome of each state for that execution. This interface is updated in real-time, which can be helpful when viewing the status of longer-running state machines.

Visualization of an executing state machine in the AWS Management Console
An executing state machine in the AWS Management Console

The core purpose of AWS Step Functions is to provide an orchestration layer, preventing us from having to somehow choreograph our application’s resources. Step Functions also provides many built-in features, such as eight state types, unified logs, and visual workflows that can help when needing to audit executions.

Despite these benefits, some challenges arise when choosing to develop with Step Functions. Let’s examine some of these problems.

5. Problems

5.1 Programming Model

One of the common complaints with Step Functions is that ASL is not very intuitive.

Amazon States Language is quite complex; its syntax is based on JSON and therefore optimized for machine readability instead of readability by humans.

Article from Serverless Framework [6]

Imagine creating a state machine with dozens or even hundreds of states.

“ ‘… Nobody wants to write JSON format for a state machine that has hundreds of states.’ -Interviewee 1

There is an expectation that, in the future, higher-level abstractions will be developed and current technologies, such as Lambda and Step Functions, will become mere deployment platforms, which are not intended to be programmed directly.”

Philipp Leitner et al. – Paper from Chalmers University of Technology [1]

Several tools attempt to provide higher-level abstractions that compile down to ASL. However, none has been widely adopted and there is still unsettled debate regarding the characteristics of these tools [7].

It seems that, for now, the most effective way to alleviate the pain of working with ASL is to use templates. This at least provides a useful starting point for developers new to Step Functions and is a nice convenience for those who are more familiar with ASL.

5.2 Deployment

The AWS Management Console’s tagline is “Everything you need to access and manage the AWS cloud — in one web interface.” [8]

AWS Management Console
AWS Management Console

Let’s look at the steps involved to deploy our example workflow using only the AWS Management Console.

Resources to be deployed manually
Deploying our example workflow with the AWS Management Console

The Management Console indeed provides everything needed for managing the AWS cloud. But it also requires extensive configuration and navigation – pointing, clicking, reloading of the screen, often in a rigid order. The three Lambdas in our workflow all have to go through the same tedious process. Imagine if our example had included ten or more Lambdas.

Although the Management Console touts itself as “one web interface”, each of the AWS services has a different flavor of that interface with distinct concepts and interactions. Each service must be configured with the correct region and account number and must be assigned security roles with the proper execution permissions. Also, an account that contains multiple applications will list all services of the same kind alongside one another, mingling the resources of separate applications together.

The AWS Management Console has many interfaces
The AWS Management Console encapsulates several different services

What would it look like if we decided to tear down our state machine and its associated Lambdas? It would be a similar, error-prone process but in reverse order. This is not conducive to quickly developing a new workflow that requires frequent iteration.

The manual tedium of deploying to the AWS cloud using only the Management Console is a process that should be automated. Fortunately, several serverless deployment frameworks aim to do just that.

6. Existing Solutions

A framework for deploying to AWS will typically be built using one of two AWS tools. Let’s first understand a bit about these tools before examining any specific frameworks.

The first one we’ll look at is called AWS CloudFormation [9]. With this approach, a framework can guide us through a process of creating framework-specific files that are then compiled to a single CloudFormation config file. All our serverless resources can then be deployed using this file. Frameworks that aim to be more general-purpose often take the CloudFormation approach.

CloudFormation Logo
AWS CloudFormation

The other tool is the AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) [10]. This is a collection of APIs that allow us to work directly with individual resources from our language of choice. Frameworks geared toward a specific use case or a particular language are usually built with the SDK.


Let’s now examine some specific frameworks, keeping in mind that we’ll only be considering those that support Step Functions.

6.1 Serverless Framework

The aptly named Serverless Framework [11] is the dominant player in this space. It supports deployment to many cloud providers and in several different languages.

Serverless Framework logo
Serverless Framework

Serverless Framework has an active community that has created over two thousand open-source plugins [12]. One of these plugins enables support for Step Functions.

There are some common state machine templates available at the bottom of the plugin’s README [13]. While this is helpful, it would be nice to be able to create a new project based on a certain template without having to copy and paste from the README. Also, to accommodate Serverless Framework’s conventions, the state machine must be written in YAML. This is unfortunate since ASL is a JSON-based language.


Amazon provides a framework for serverless deployment called the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) [14]. SAM started providing support for Step Functions just a few months before this writing [15].

AWS SAM logo

Unlike Serverless Framework, SAM can deploy a working state machine from a template, without having to make any manual configurations – it can all be done straight from the CLI. However, there is only one template that is offered and it has a relatively lengthy deployment time, taking about three minutes. There are also several prompts that the user must respond to during this process. Once deployed, there doesn’t seem to be a command that just as easily tears down, so that must be done manually.

It’s important to note that neither Serverless Framework nor SAM was designed with Step Functions in mind. They both later added support for Step Functions for apps that happen to use them. And because of their general-purpose nature, these frameworks carry around a lot of tooling, which may be unnecessary and bulky for simpler workflows.

6.3 Step

What about more purpose-built frameworks that use the SDK? Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be many specifically designed for Step Functions. There is one built by Coinbase called Step, which is “a framework for building, testing, and deploying AWS Step Functions and Lambda”. [16].

Step Logo

Step allows the user to construct a state machine definition with a higher-level language, namely Go. However, Coinbase seems to be one of the only users of their framework. Indeed, the development status of the framework is listed as Beta. An additional drawback is that Step is not able to create a new state machine but can only modify an existing one. This can be a hindrance to the developer who is wanting to quickly iterate on their work but has to manually create a mock state machine first.

While the above solutions provide some helpful ways to manage Step Functions, we found them lacking in some important areas. Because of this, we decided to build Maestro.

7. Maestro

Maestro is an open-source framework for AWS Step Functions built with ease of use in mind. It offers simple commands that facilitate common operations for applications that are suited for Step Functions, including interactions with AWS.

Once Maestro has been installed and configured, deploying a state machine is a simple process. Create a new Maestro project, optionally edit the state machine template, and then type one command to deploy the state machine and any Lambda functions it includes. One could say that it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

deploying with maestro
Steps of deploying with Maestro

To fully demonstrate the power of Maestro, first consider this slideshow that shows in detail the steps required to deploy our example workflow using just the AWS Management Console:

Screenshot of the AWS Management Console and opening the “Services” dropdown
1: Screenshot of the AWS Management Console and opening the “Services” dropdown
Screenshot of the “Services” dropdown menu and clicking the “Step Functions” hyperlink
2: Screenshot of the “Services” dropdown menu and clicking the “Step Functions” hyperlink
Screenshot of opening sidebar
3: Screenshot of opening sidebar
Screenshot of selecting “State machines”
4: Screenshot of selecting “State machines”
Screenshot of clicking the “Create state machine” button
5: Screenshot of clicking the “Create state machine” button
Screenshot of opening the “Services” dropdown
6: Screenshot of opening the “Services” dropdown
Screenshot of opening the “Lambda” page in a new tab (by control-clicking the hyperlink)
7: Screenshot of opening the “Lambda” page in a new tab (by control-clicking the hyperlink)
Screenshot of navigating back to the “Step Functions“ tab
8: Screenshot of navigating back to the “Step Functions“ tab
Screenshot of the state machine definition editor
9: Screenshot of the state machine definition editor
Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
10: Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
11: Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
12: Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
13: Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
14: Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition
Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition and clicking the “Next” button
15: Screenshot of incremental edit of state machine definition and clicking the “Next” button
Screenshot of: 1) error thrown upon attempted save; and 2) navigating to the “Lambda” tab
16: Screenshot of: 1) error thrown upon attempted save; and 2) navigating to the “Lambda” tab
Screenshot of clicking the “Create function” button
17: Screenshot of clicking the “Create function” button
Screenshot of filling out a “Function name” form field
18: Screenshot of filling out a “Function name” form field
Screenshot of selecting the runtime by using a select form field
19: Screenshot of selecting the runtime by using a select form field
Screenshot of selecting the runtime by using a select form field
20: Screenshot of selecting the runtime by using a select form field
Screenshot of clicking the “Create function” button
21: Screenshot of clicking the “Create function” button
Screenshot of scrolling down to view the function code
22: Screenshot of scrolling down to view the function code
Screenshot of edit to the function code
23: Screenshot of edit to the function code
Screenshot of edit to the function code and clicking the “Save” button
24: Screenshot of edit to the function code and clicking the “Save” button
Screenshot of copying the arn
25: Screenshot of copying the arn
Screenshot of: 1) copying the arn; and 2) navigating to the “Step Functions“ tab
26: Screenshot of: 1) copying the arn; and 2) navigating to the “Step Functions“ tab
Screenshot of scrolling the view of the state machine definition
27: Screenshot of scrolling the view of the state machine definition
Screenshot of pasting the arn into the definition
28: Screenshot of pasting the arn into the definition
Screenshot of navigating to the “Lambda” tab
29: Screenshot of navigating to the “Lambda” tab
Screenshot of navigating to the “Functions” page by clicking a hyperlink
30: Screenshot of navigating to the “Functions” page by clicking a hyperlink
Screenshot of: 1) noticing the new function is listed among the existing functions; and 2) clicking the “Create function” button
31: Screenshot of: 1) noticing the new function is listed among the existing functions; and 2) clicking the “Create function” button
Screenshot of filling out all the form fields and clicking the “Create function” button
32: Screenshot of filling out all the form fields and clicking the “Create function” button
Screenshot of scrolling down to view the function code
33: Screenshot of scrolling down to view the function code
Screenshot of edit to the function code and clicking the “Save” button
34: Screenshot of edit to the function code and clicking the “Save” button
Screenshot of copying the arn
35: Screenshot of copying the arn
Screenshot of: 1) copying the arn; and 2) navigating to the “Step Functions“ tab
36: Screenshot of: 1) copying the arn; and 2) navigating to the “Step Functions“ tab
Screenshot of pasting the arn into the definition
37: Screenshot of pasting the arn into the definition
Screenshot of navigating to the “Lambda” tab
38: Screenshot of navigating to the “Lambda” tab
Screenshot of navigating to the “Functions” page by clicking a hyperlink
39: Screenshot of navigating to the “Functions” page by clicking a hyperlink
Screenshot of: 1) noticing the new function is listed among the existing functions; and 2) clicking the “Create function” button
40: Screenshot of: 1) noticing the new function is listed among the existing functions; and 2) clicking the “Create function” button
Screenshot of filling out all the form fields and clicking the “Create function” button
41: Screenshot of filling out all the form fields and clicking the “Create function” button
Screenshot of waiting for the form to submit
42: Screenshot of waiting for the form to submit
Screenshot of scrolling down to view the function code
43: Screenshot of scrolling down to view the function code
Screenshot of edit to the function code and clicking the “Save” button
44: Screenshot of edit to the function code and clicking the “Save” button
Screenshot of copying the arn
45: Screenshot of copying the arn
Screenshot of: 1) copying the arn; and 2) navigating to the “Step Functions“ tab
46: Screenshot of: 1) copying the arn; and 2) navigating to the “Step Functions“ tab
Screenshot of pasting the arn into the definition
47: Screenshot of pasting the arn into the definition
Screenshot of scrolling the view of the state machine definition
48: Screenshot of scrolling the view of the state machine definition
Screenshot of: 1) noticing that another arn needs to be provided; and 2) navigating to the “Lambda” tab
49: Screenshot of: 1) noticing that another arn needs to be provided; and 2) navigating to the “Lambda” tab
Screenshot of navigating to the “Functions” page by clicking a hyperlink
50: Screenshot of navigating to the “Functions” page by clicking a hyperlink
Screenshot of: 1) noticing the new function is listed among the existing functions; and 2) clicking the “Create function” button
51: Screenshot of: 1) noticing the new function is listed among the existing functions; and 2) clicking the “Create function” button
Screenshot of filling out all the form fields and clicking the “Create function” button
52: Screenshot of filling out all the form fields and clicking the “Create function” button
Screenshot of waiting for the form to submit
53: Screenshot of waiting for the form to submit
Screenshot of scrolling down to view the function code
54: Screenshot of scrolling down to view the function code
Screenshot of edit to the function code and clicking the “Save” button
55: Screenshot of edit to the function code and clicking the “Save” button
Screenshot of copying the arn
56: Screenshot of copying the arn
Screenshot of: 1) copying the arn; and 2) navigating to the “Step Functions“ tab
57: Screenshot of: 1) copying the arn; and 2) navigating to the “Step Functions“ tab
Screenshot of pasting the arn into the definition
58: Screenshot of pasting the arn into the definition
Screenshot of clicking the “Next” button
59: Screenshot of clicking the “Next” button
Screenshot of: 1) filling out a “State machine name” form field; and 2) scrolling the view downwards
60: Screenshot of: 1) filling out a “State machine name” form field; and 2) scrolling the view downwards
Screenshot of clicking the “Create state machine” button and waiting for the form to submit
61: Screenshot of clicking the “Create state machine” button and waiting for the form to submit
Screenshot of clicking the “Definition” tab (webpage UI tab, not browser tab)
62: Screenshot of clicking the “Definition” tab (webpage UI tab, not browser tab)
Screenshot of state machine definition
63: Screenshot of state machine definition
Screenshot of clicking the “Executions” tab (webpage UI tab, not browser tab)
64: Screenshot of clicking the “Executions” tab (webpage UI tab, not browser tab)
Screenshot of clicking the “Start execution” button
65: Screenshot of clicking the “Start execution” button
Screenshot of execution input text field
66: Screenshot of execution input text field
Screenshot of edit to input text and clicking the “Start execution” button
67: Screenshot of edit to input text and clicking the “Start execution” button
Screenshot of execution in progress
68: Screenshot of execution in progress
Screenshot of execution completed
69: Screenshot of execution completed
Screenshot of scrolling view downwards
70: Screenshot of scrolling view downwards
Screenshot of expanding an “Execution event history” log row by clicking the triangular expansion button
71: Screenshot of expanding an “Execution event history” log row by clicking the triangular expansion button
Screenshot of scrolling view downwards
72: Screenshot of scrolling view downwards
Screenshot of more expanded “Execution event history” log rows and scrolling view to top of the web page
73: Screenshot of more expanded “Execution event history” log rows and scrolling view to top of the web page
Screenshot of clicking on a step in the visual workflow
74: Screenshot of clicking on a step in the visual workflow
Screenshot of input and output associated with the step and clicking on an additional step in the visual workflow
75: Screenshot of input and output associated with the step and clicking on an additional step in the visual workflow
Screenshot of input and output associated with the step
76: Screenshot of input and output associated with the step
Screenshot of clicking on the “State machines” breadcrumb navigation link
77: Screenshot of clicking on the “State machines” breadcrumb navigation link
Screenshot of selecting the state machine and clicking the “Delete” button
78: Screenshot of selecting the state machine and clicking the “Delete” button
Screenshot of clicking the “Delete state machine” button on a confirmation popup dialog
79: Screenshot of clicking the “Delete state machine” button on a confirmation popup dialog
Screenshot of: 1) noticing that the status of the state machine now says “Deleting”; and 2) navigating to the “Lambda” browser tab
80: Screenshot of: 1) noticing that the status of the state machine now says “Deleting”; and 2) navigating to the “Lambda” browser tab
Screenshot of: 1) selecting a function resource; and 2) clicking on the “Actions” dropdown menu
81: Screenshot of: 1) selecting a function resource; and 2) clicking on the “Actions” dropdown menu
Screenshot of clicking the “Delete” option from the dropdown menu
82: Screenshot of clicking the “Delete” option from the dropdown menu
Screenshot of clicking the “Delete” button on a confirmation popup dialog
83: Screenshot of clicking the “Delete” button on a confirmation popup dialog
Screenshot of going through all the deletion steps for the next function
84: Screenshot of going through all the deletion steps for the next function
Screenshot of going through all the deletion steps for the next function
85: Screenshot of going through all the deletion steps for the next function
Screenshot of going through all the deletion steps for the next function
86: Screenshot of going through all the deletion steps for the next function
Screenshot of opening the “Services” dropdown
87: Screenshot of opening the “Services” dropdown
Screenshot of the “Services” dropdown menu and clicking the “IAM” hyperlink
88: Screenshot of the “Services” dropdown menu and clicking the “IAM” hyperlink
Screenshot of clicking the “Roles” hyperlink on the sidebar
89: Screenshot of clicking the “Roles” hyperlink on the sidebar
Screenshot of selecting the roles to be deleted
90: Screenshot of selecting the roles to be deleted
Screenshot of clicking the “Delete role” button
91: Screenshot of clicking the “Delete role” button
Screenshot of clicking the “Yes, delete” button on a confirmation popup dialog
92: Screenshot of clicking the “Yes, delete” button on a confirmation popup dialog
Screenshot of all remaining IAM roles
93: Screenshot of all remaining IAM roles

To recap those 93 slides, here are the 15 major steps to deploy:

  1. Navigate to the Step Functions console
  2. Select “State Machine”
  3. Select “Create State Machine”
  4. Provide ASL definition
  5. Conditionally modify
  6. Navigate to Lambda console
  7. Configure Lambda (runtime, name, permissions, etc.)
  8. Define Lambda
  9. Save Lambda
  10. Copy Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
  11. Paste valid ARN into state machine definition
  12. Repeat steps 6-11 for each Lambda
  13. Save state machine definition
  14. Navigate to and fill out name, tags, logs, etc.
  15. Deploy state machine

And here are the 9 major steps to tear down:

  1. Navigate to the Step Functions console
  2. Click the “Delete” button, confirming any popup
  3. Navigate to Lambda console
  4. Select a Lambda
  5. Click the “Delete” button from the “Actions” drop-down menu
  6. Confirm deletion
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each Lambda
  8. Navigate to the IAM console
  9. Navigate to “roles”, select the roles, then click the “Delete role” button, confirming any popup

Now, the same process but using Maestro:

Using Maestro

To recap that video, here are the 3 major steps to deploy:

  1. Open your terminal, execute maestro new
  2. Edit your workflow
  3. Execute maestro deploy

And here is the 1 major step to tear down:

  1. Execute maestro teardown

The difference between using the AWS Management Console vs Maestro is quite a stark one. What took 24 steps across all resources to create the workflow (not to mention deleting) takes just 3 with Maestro, all in the comfort of your own terminal. And when considering the 2-3 min deployment time of AWS SAM, the 3-step, 3-second deployment time and 1-step, 2-second teardown time of Maestro is unbeatable and wildly refreshing to work with.

In addition to its lightning-fast deploys and teardowns, Maestro has robust manual (man) and inline help (discussed in the table below)

7.1 Commands

Out of the box, Maestro comes with 6 simple commands:

Command Description
maestro new

This command creates a new Maestro project with the given project name. When maestro new is executed, the user is prompted with a list of all the templates to base their new project off of.

If the user simply presses <return>at the prompt or enters invalid input, the new project is created without the influence of a template.

maestro deploy

This command must be executed at the root of your Maestro project. It will deploy both the state machine as defined in definition.asl.json and all lambda functions defined in the lambdas/ directory. If you do not have the necessary Maestro IAM roles, running this command will automatically create them for you as part of the deployment.

Typical deployment time is a lightning-fast 3 seconds.

maestro teardown

Executing this command with your working directory being the root of some Maestro project will tear down the associated resources from AWS, which are as follows:

  • All AWS Lambdas uploaded from the project-local lambdas/ directory.
  • The AWS Step Functions state machine created from the project-local definition.asl.json definition file.
  • Any AWS IAM roles specified via an optional flag.
maestro help

Display help information about Maestro or a Maestro command.

maestro config

The maestro configcommand should be the first command run after installing Maestro. Any Maestro deployment or teardown depends on the account information configured by this command.

maestro get-templates

Fetches the Maestro default templates from git and installs them on the user’s local machine.

7.2 Challenges

While we were building the Maestro framework, we came across a few challenges along the way, which we will now discuss.

7.2.1 AWS IAM

One source of difficulty was dealing with AWS IAM [17]. IAM is the AWS service that manages the creation of, deletion of, and management of roles, permissions, and policies that dictate what specific AWS services are allowed to do. Authorization is often a challenge in most programming environments, and AWS is no exception.

The first challenge that we, the Maestro team, ran into when working with AWS IAM was determining what set of permissions and policies must be provided to allow each component to execute properly. One would imagine that clear documentation regarding which permissions and policies allow execution of a given task would be easy to find, but that was not our experience.

To determine which basic capabilities the components in a standard Lambda-centric workflow required, we manually created some mock components and observed which policies AWS attached by default. This gave us a starting point for determining exactly which policies the Lambdas and Step Functions that Maestro deploys needs.

The second challenge regarding IAM that we ran into was the propagation of roles. While Maestro creates roles before it attempts to create the Lambdas and Step Functions state machines that depend on those roles, we still ran into problems regarding the roles’ availability. This is because, in order to attach a role to an AWS resource, the role must first propagate to every AWS data center, which can take upwards of 15 seconds. If one were to try to attach a role to a Lambda before the role had a chance to fully propagate, the role would not attach and would instead throw a cryptic error message. Unfortunately, there is no simple way to determine whether a role is ready for attachment or not. As of the time of this writing (Fall 2020), the best way to determine that is to try to attach the role to a resource (such as a Lambda) and see if the cryptic error message is thrown back.

Therefore, to create Lambdas and state machines with associated roles, we resolved to implement retry when attaching a role to a resource. Built-in retry does not exist in the AWS SDK, so we created our own robust and general-purpose retry function that handles the number of attempts and the backoff rate between subsequent attempts. The retry, in combination with an initial sleep period and tuned backoff rate, solved this challenge and made Maestro even more robust than before.

7.2.2 Asynchronicity

Creating multiple AWS resources that depend on one another in deployment touches on an overarching challenge that would need to be reconciled in developing Maestro: asynchronicity. Maestro offers quick deployment thanks to concurrent creation and deployment of resources which requires navigating numerous issues related to synchronicity.

A helpful pattern that allowed us to work with asynchronous functions and Promises was the ‘async/await’ pattern. This allowed certain actions to be treated synchronously in an asynchronous context. However, the Maestro philosophy was not to completely remove Promise chains by dogmatically applying the ‘async/await’ pattern everywhere possible. Overuse of the pattern can cause code to be slow by essentially making every step synchronous [18]. To achieve relevant concurrency in creating resources, a mixture of ‘Promise chains’, ‘async/await’, and Promise.all was implemented. The result is a lightning-fast framework.

7.2.3 Domain

Serverless orchestration is a very niche topic. Although AWS Lambda is a popular service, orchestration is often done company-by-company without adhering to a common set of shared best practices. Navigating common approaches required extensive, in-depth inquiry. Further, AWS Step Functions offers many benefits but is not broadly used; as a result, few frameworks or solutions exist to provide insight into development. Therefore, we had to be quite innovative to provide a framework in this space.

7.3 Future Work

As with most endeavors, not all that was desired could be accomplished from the outset. Here are a few aspirations that are left for future work.

7.3.1 ASL Wrapper

Ultimately, a framework that works with ASL could be benefited by abstracting away the awkward language. As was previously described, the objective of Maestro is to facilitate working with ASL through templates. However, no set of templates can be comprehensive, and any developer working extensively with Step Functions will eventually require writing ASL. Having an ASL ‘wrapper’ to imperatively write ASL in native JavaScript would be helpful.

7.3.2 Logging

Another possible future addition would be integration with the host logging system. More robust logging is helpful in the event something goes wrong with the deployment of an individual component or an entire workflow.

7.3.3 Versioning

Because the premise of Maestro is to allow rapid iteration on workflows, versioning comes into view. Much consideration must go into determining the point at which a workflow is ready for production, and due to innumerable circumstances, a team may resolve to look back at some previous version of their application. Ideally, a version of the workflow would be persisted and easily accessible every time a workflow was deployed.

7.3.4 Redeploy Command

Which brings to mind another consideration left for the future: a maestro redeploy command. It would be helpful, especially for complex workflows, to intelligently re-deploy only elements of the workflow that have changed since the last version. If versioning were clearly outlined, then re-deploying could look back at a snapshot of the workflow to determine what changed and then re-deploy accordingly. This would help preserve artifacts in AWS that provide auditability of long-standing components as well as reduce the load on the network.

7.3.5 Multiple AWS Services

The focus of Maestro is AWS Lambdas, but that doesn’t have to be the case. While much can be achieved, and often is, strictly using Lambdas, other services offer a broader range of development possibilities. Integrating further AWS services into Maestro would amplify its potential.

7.3.6. Per-Project Configuration

Currently, Maestro only uses a single global configuration file. It would be beneficial to have a unique config file for each project allowing deployment in various regions and even to different AWS accounts. On a similar note, a developer may wish to use different Node.js® runtimes, so support for various versions could be added.

8. References

  1. A mixed-method empirical study of Function-as-a-Service software development in industrial practice
  2. AWS Lambda - The Ultimate Guide
  3. Patterns for Serverless Functions
  4. Serverless Workflows using Step Functions
  5. What Is AWS Step Functions?
  6. AWS Step Functions - The Ultimate Guide
  7. YAML Is Better than Your Favorite Language: Fightin’ words about Infrastructure as code | Ben Kehoe
  8. AWS Management Console
  9. AWS Cloud Formation
  10. Start building with SDKs and tools
  11. Serverless Framework
  12. Serverless Framework Comparisons
  13. Step Functions plugin for Serverless Framework
  14. AWS Serverless Application Model
  15. AWS SAM adds support for Step Functions
  16. Step
  17. What is IAM?
  18. Async / await
  19. Comparison of FaaS Orchestration Systems
  20. FaaS
  21. Serverless Event Scheduling — Using AWS Step Functions
  22. How are serverless computing and Platform-as-a-Service different?
  23. Guardian News & Media Automates Subscription Fulfillment Using AWS Step Functions
  24. Building self-healing, observable systems with AWS Step Functions
  25. AWS Step Functions - The Power of Simplicity
  26. Breaking down the monolith with AWS Step Functions
  27. SOSW
  28. Serverless Smart Radio
  29. What is Serverless Architecture? What are its Pros and Cons?
  30. What is AWS?
  31. Youtube tutorial for deploying with Serverless Framework
  32. Amazon States Language Specification
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